

143 Uppsatser om Pearl grain - Sida 1 av 10

Ekonomin i syrning av spannmål till mjölkkor :

In this dissertation I have tried to figure out if it possible to make any money on acid grain to feed cows through a case study. The method is a case study combined with a documentary research. At present the farm sell all grain in connection with harvest and buy it back continuously in the neighbourhood, I have compared that with an alternative where I invest in a construction for to store acid grain on the current farm. I have delimit me to only have a look on acid grain because I think that is one of the cheapest way too store grain in smaller aplenty. Before beginning with acid grain is it important to be versed in how everything works and the risk to keep on with acid grain. One disadvantage is that the acid grain is not possible to store more than 12 months with out acid it once again. It is also easy to get mould in the pasture if it is not acid enough.

Freshwater pearl mussel as indicators of Swedish streams - a comparison between freshwater pearl mussel and biological quality elements

The freshwater pearl mussel (Margaritifera margaritifera) is a large freshwater mussel. Because of its sensitivity to human impact, such as eutrophication, acidification and alterations of hydromorphology, the species is considered as a robust indicator of stream water quality and biodiversity. Moreover, due to the species complex life cycle, including a larval stage on the gills of salmon and trout, and sensitivity of early life stages, regeneration is often used as an indicator. The freshwater pearl mussel is also used in the expert judgement of status classification of benthic invertebrates according to the European Water Framework Directive. The purpose of this study was to gain a deeper understanding of the freshwater pearl mussel as an indicator for Swedish streams. It was made with two types of association analyses.

Tritordeum : evaluation of a new food cereal

Tritordeum is the result of a cross between a wild barley (Hordeum chilense) and durum wheat (Triticum turgidum). Tritordeum have high viscosity and a nice yellow colour. The objective of this thesis was to evaluate Tritordeum lines HT 354, HT 361, HT 437, HT 2218 (JB3) and HT 1608 (JB1) for use as a new raw material within the food industry. Analyses made were on dietary fibre, fructan, ash, water content and colour. Compilation of data from analyses made for Agrasys an Agri-Food company in Barcelona having the commercial rights to Tritordeum, included Lutein and rheological properties.

Torkad eller gastät lagrad spannmål till värphöns : en fallstudie

The purpose with this study is to compare different systems of grain storage from a financial point of view. Grain that is supposed to be fed to laying hens. The systems that were compared were different airtight storage of grain and a system of conventional storage. To make this case study I choose to compare four different systems. In the case study there was one system with bin drying of the grain, two systems with airtight storage of the grain and one system where you buy dried grain during the season. I made several of capital investment appraisal where I found the cost of each system, then I took the cost and divided it with the total grain use and calculated the cost for each kilogram of grain, and also the cost of the feed. Then I compared the cost from my case study with the cost of buying feed. All the systems except for one, gave a lower cost for the hen feed than buying feed from a dealer The best system, witch were bin drying lower the cost with about 80 000:- SEK.

Effektivare hantering av foderspannmål : en fallstudie

The purpose with this work was to investigate some alternatives for an effective handling with grain, to find the most economic alternative. It is not common that moisture content is below 14% when harvesting grain in Sweden. To store the grain safe it has to be preserved in some way. I have described some of the most common systems for preserving grain in this paper. I have used the systems as a basis when I made calculations in handling the grain for a company. I have chosen a company placed in south of Sweden. The productions are crop farming and pork.

Fallstudie : Egen foderberedning till slaktsvin :

The purpose of this examination work was to make a general description about drying and storage of grain, and a case study with a comparison between brought and home-made feed. The case study was made on the farm Solhem in Hörby, a farm that produces 3870 pigs for slaughter a year. In this project three alternatives have been compared, 1st alternative: own produced grain approx. 400 ton + wet grain 415 ton purchased during fall, 2nd alternative: own produced grain approx. 400 ton + dry grain 415 ton purchased during winter, 3rd alternative: bought feed 815 ton purchased continuously during the year. Considering the price information provided to me the 1st alternative gave the cheapest feed..

Svenskt Sigills kvalitetssäkring av spannmål :

Today there is a limited demand for quality certified cereal in Sweden. The demand can in the future increase and become a requirement for the entire market. Since the first of January 2005, grain producers in Sweden are food producers and traceability is important for the food industry. It is possible for grain producers to certify the productions under the certification IP SIGILL. The purpose of this essay is to explore why some grain producers continue to be certified while other producers end the IP SIGILL certification.

Överraskning - Vilka indikatorer påverkar? : En studie av de två fallen Pearl Harbor och Sexdagarskriget

Principen överraskning är en av de äldsta principer som finns att använda i striden. Principen ses som grunden för striden och för vilka metoder som kan använda för att lyckas i striden. Men vad innebär överraskning egentligen och hur har den använts?Uppsatsen kommer att problematisera principen överraskning och anknyta till forskningen om överraskning till Pearl Harbor och sexdagarskriget, som har setts vara typiska överraskningsanfall. Såg anfallen likadana ut och vilka indikatorer utifrån litteraturen påvisar att det var en överraskning?Inledningsvis kommer överraskning beskrivas utifrån vald litteratur för att åskådliggöra innebörden.

Bottensubstratets inverkan på föryngring av Flodpärlmussla

The freshwater pearl mussel (Margaritifera margaritifera) is threatened throughout its range. There has been a substantial decline of the species and one major reason is habitat degradation. We investigated how the substrate composition of the bottom floor affects the regeneration of the mussel by analyzing data from the Västerbotten County Board?s inventory of the freshwater pearl mussel. The results implied that fine material such as fine sediment and sand might be detrimental to regeneration whereas gravel and boulders and in particular stone seem to be beneficial.

Pearl Harbor, 1941 : En teoriprövande fallstudie av Japans flygstridskrafter under anfallet mot Pearl Harbor

Den 7 december 1941 genomförde japanska flygstridskrafter ett massivt bombanfall mot Pearl Harbor. Intentionen med anfallet var att slå ut den amerikanska Stillahavsflottan och därmed erhålla större inflytanade i Stillahavsområdet. Anfallen riktades huvudsakligen mot amerikanska fartyg som låg vid Pearl Harbors hamn men även flygfält i dess närområde drabbades hårt av den japanska offensiven.Syftet med detta arbete är att, med utgångpunkt från John. A Warden III centrala teorier; tyngdpunkter, fienden som ett system och parallell attack, analysera Japans agerande under attacken mot Pearl Harbor för att därigenom urskilja i vilken utsträckning dessa teorier kan tillämpas på de japanska flygstridskrafterna vid anfallet. Undersökningen syftar även till att utröna om de utvalda teorierna är applicerbara på taktisk nivå.

Flodpärlmusslans status i Laxtjärnbäcken : Effekter på flodpärlmusslan av sedimentbelastning och förekomst av bäckröding

The aim of this present study was to determine and evaluate whether the presence of brooktrout (Salvelinus fontinalis) and sediment load may be a threat against the reproduction anddistribution of freshwater pearl mussel (Margaritifera margaritifera) in a creek located innorthern Sweden. Freshwater pearl mussel is an endangered species and is dependent ofbrown trout (Salmo trutta) to reproduce. Therefore there are concerns of indirect effects onthe population of pearl mussel by competition between brown trout and brook trout. Ditchesfrom a nearby gravel road have been fixed to lower the sediment load into the creek. I tried toevaluate this action plan.

Värphöns : påverkar de ekonomin på växtodlingen

In this degree project we wanted to investigate if there are any possibilities to get a higher income from grain growing by giving the grain to hens instead of selling it. We were also wondering if the manure has any value or if it only cost the egg producer money. If the egg producer cultivate his own grain and is able to store it in layer is there quite much money to earn. Expensive pasture makes it profitability to pay up to 1,35 Swedish crowns for a kilo of wheat. In our calculating we?ve used calculation from the company Lantmännen.

Uppvärmning med spannmål och trädbränslen :

This examination work brings up opportunities to invest in a construction for heating with grain or pellets on farm level. As example we have chosen Fröberga Gård which is a farm located in Östergötland outside of Söderköping. The farm`s residential buildings is to day heated with oil and electricity. The result of our investigation shows that heating with grain is the best alternative, partly because of economical issues but also because you can grow the grain on your own farm and by that you can get better economy in your seed cultivation. To grow 16 tonne of grain as is needed demand gives a insignificant increase of work. Further an advantage is that no investment in machines is needed because all the machines witch is needed already is in use on the farm. In a situation where a new investment is needed as in the case we studied, is it often profitable to invest in a integrated furnace. Because all the components are well adapted to each other, and because that gives a high efficiency. If you already own a well working furnace is it often most profitable to connect a burner to it. It is important to know that heating with grain need more work than heating with pellets, because the high contents of ash in grain. Even if you choose pellets instead of grain the calculation shows good results. Because peat is an excellent but fairly untested raw material for pelletsproduction we have chosen to watch little more on its quality and conductions. We discovered that peat has a high heating value which makes it possible to raise the heat value in pellets through mix up peat and wood. Or you can make pellets with only peat and get a pellet with high heating value. Even the calculation with peatheating shows good results..

Inventering av flodpärlmussla i Fylleån norr om Gyltigesjön

Freshwater environments are threatened worldwide, of which many of the species associatedwith freshwater. In 2014, 243 freshwater mussels were on the international Red List. One ofthem is the freshwater pearl mussel, Margaritifera margaritifera, which because of itscomplex life cycle can be counted as an indicator of whether a stream is worth protecting. It's since the early 1900's in decline throughout their range. Sweden is counted as a core area which is why we have not only a national but an international responsibility to conserve the species.

Variationer av klor, svavel och aska i havrekärna : odlingsfaktorernas inverkan på havrens bränsleegenskaper

The increasing oil prices during the last years have made it profitable to use cereal grains as a fuel. When compared with wood, cereals contain higher amounts of Cl, S and ash. The Cl and S content makes the gases from cereal combustion more corrosive than gases from wood combustion. The goal of this master thesis was to find out the variation of Cl, S and ash content for oat grain grown under different conditions. Oats was chosen because in Sweden it's considered as the cereal with the best fuel qualities.

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